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Kathleen Kiefer Loving you was easy, losing U was Hard to do. September 3, 2012

TJ I have been thinking of you more than the normal. I saw this picture and it once again reminded me of how much you loved cloud watching and the thunder. Maybe it was you calling to me.. I love you TJ and you will always be close to my heart and always in my thoughts. Even though people think it has been long enough. How long is the given time to forget you once had a son who you love very much and now is gone. I will meet you in another time and place. I wait for that day than maybe I will undersatnd all this madness.

Kathleen Kiefer Happy Birthday In Heaven August 22, 2012
Happy Birthday my Love (8-6-86~3-1-10). Rick played his first play off game for you and won 8-15-12
Mom Memories of You TJ August 22, 2012

Memories of you TJ drift through my mind always. The sadness is always with me as well. I WILL NEVER EVER FORGET YOU EVER. You were a breath of fresh air in what was a dull empty life without children in it. When you came along with your bright eyes and smile with dimples so deep you were in my heart and soul. You always woke up in a good mood from the very start from a very early age. You never disappointed us ever. No matter what you did in life, soccer, hockey, baseball, Cub scouts, Boy Scouts, you did it well and without complaints. I will never forget you wonder towards everything. I can't do it! was never in your vocabulary. You were the best brother one to try and be just like and Ricky wanted to do everything you did another one just like you he didn't know the meaning of I can't do it. Even in 2nd grade Rick wanted to do everything TJ did. Rick was a bit more a scholar than TJ and I think TJ was a bit jealous of Rick's abilities. TJ you tried to encourage me to get Rick into a magnet school for Math but Rick wanted to stay with his friends, and as TJ heard for 8th grade. TJ and Ricky started to go each his own way. TJ got into music and guitar playing with his friend Adam and a band started. Rick when he hit Middle school he started playing drums in middle school band. I'll write more at a later time. Till them loving you always TJ ((<3))

Kathleen Kiefer Grandma is back yay!! July 25, 2012
TJ my love what a wonderful Birthday present. Grandma has decided to stay with Aunt Marilyn in Oklahoma. I know this makes you happy, since you were so against her moving sooo far away from us. Now all her children, Grand children, Great Grandchildren will get to see her and she will be well taken care of. I'm sure Marge will miss her as we did for way to many years 11 to be exact. Rob hasn't seen Grandma for 10 years. Robbie was 9 he is 19 now. Ashey is 17 , she was 7. Everyone is exstatic that she will be back in our lives and her well being will be taken care of. We all love her and it was like when you died I felt as if my heart had been cut out of me.
I love and I hope you like your pre-birthday present. Love you Baby, MoM
MOM Jonny Depp July 13, 2012
I know he was your favorite actor so when I saw this I thought of you. Love you, Mom
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