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TJ trip to AfricaTJ's Favorite ThingsGuest Book
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Trade Show
We are in Las Vegas, The trade show the trip you were looking forward too. Wished you were here, I have dreamed of you twice since we have been here. I guess that means you are with me. I love you sweetie forever always. Your mom always.
As I Walked on the Beach thoughts of You

I thought of you as I walked on the beach
Listening to the sounds of rolling waves you loved
As they rushed onto the sand.
I wondered if maybe you would come but I knew
It was just wishful thinking because you are not here anymore.
I went to the place where I put you to rest
But to me it is empty and useless.
If I thought I would hear your laughter here or see your beautiful smile
Maybe I would come more often but I know better.
If I could go back and change that day, you know I would.
If I had a time machine, no doubt I would turn back the time on that day
And I would never have let you go.
Time does not heal all wounds. It only heals the ability to deal with it.
Love does not die, it just goes to sleep until time to awaken it again.
I wish I had known so many things while you were here but I learned it too late
after you were gone. If I could have known then, how different now would be.

Love You Forever

I added some LOVE to your Beer Mug. It now has your birthdate 8/6/86 and your Angel Date 3/1/10. I also added a heart with your name in it.

 I love and think of you very single min. of every day. Your mother forever.

TJ Happy New Year 2011
Happy New Year, It isn't the New Year I had prayed for last year while you were in rehab. I thought this year would be full of bright beginnings for you, Like David, Steven and now Jessica. Dad told you he would put a downpayment on an condo for you. I guess that wasn't enough to make you want to stop. Life could have been so good to you had you had more self confidnce. I love you and will see you again some day. Please give me a sign.
The Gypsy Horse

12-26-2010 This is your MUG from The Gypsy Horse is now safe with me, Geno and I found it. It was inscribed with “Water of Life” we lifted the mug and made a toast to you. You earned the Mug by drinking 25 different bees over 2 nights. I am so glad they keep tack of the MUGS and who they belong to. I love you TJ, MOM : )



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