I thought of you as I walked on the beach
Listening to the sounds of rolling waves you loved
As they rushed onto the sand.
I wondered if maybe you would come but I knew
It was just wishful thinking because you are not here anymore.
I went to the place where I put you to rest
But to me it is empty and useless.
If I thought I would hear your laughter here or see your beautiful smile
Maybe I would come more often but I know better.
If I could go back and change that day, you know I would.
If I had a time machine, no doubt I would turn back the time on that day
And I would never have let you go.
Time does not heal all wounds. It only heals the ability to deal with it.
Love does not die, it just goes to sleep until time to awaken it again.
I wish I had known so many things while you were here but I learned it too late
after you were gone. If I could have known then, how different now would be.