If you could describe TJ with one word what would that word be?
TJ is UNFORGETABLE. My SUNSHINE a smile with dimples always shining bright & PASSIONATE about everyone & everything he cared about.
One time he told me "I don't want to leave this place", I wonder what he really meant? Did he know he would die young. Sometime I think people are given preminitions or are told ina dream to make peace with the world, it is your time to go.
Oh how I miss you......and your smiles and hugs.
Arron Gray
Charismatic -
A rare personal quality, Personal magnetism or charm. Charisma is a personal attractiveness that enables you to influence other.
Caring, Outgoing, Compassionate
George Navarro- Dependable
Only one word is quite difficult, but with our years working together at the rink I'd have to choose....dependable. Definitely Dependable. You could always count on TJ for anything.
Adventurous. He was always looking for the next fun thing to do. TJ always wanted to include his friends in the fun. I hope this helps and I hope you're doing well!
Only one word, huh? This is hard because I could use many words to describe TJ! I think I'll say worker. He did whatever he was doing with everything in him. May God truly bless you as you do this workshop?
I know I'm quite late in responding, but 1 more word to describe TJ is... Free
TJ was such a good, honorable person I still have a hard time believing it myself.
Casey Funk (High School Hockey)
Melissa Renee Neto
His laughter
David Bean (best friend)
Wow, Super hard to sun an entire person in one word. I suppose I would have to go with passionate.
I always thought TJ was "cool"
I sure can. Adventurous
Brett Corrente
TJ was always such a chill kid. No matter what was going on in the outside world he always had a way to escape the issues and be at peace with hisself. So if I were to describe him in 1 word I would have to say "peaceful".
Not a day goes by that I don't pray for you and him. God Bless Kathy!!!!
Rob Stewart
Robert Richie
Mike Bunting
Hi Kathy. Sorry to take so long to respond. God bless you and the family. TJ was a very special young man. Loyal is my one word, but I could think of many other good things to say about him and YOU. Love, Mike
Felicia Moylan Wilt
You're very welcome, it took no time at all. It was the first word that sprang to mind. TJ was so full of life and playful it was easy. Hope you're doing well.
Robert Richie
TJ was a very smart, intelligent, yet mysterious young man. I would always think, "he's not supposed to be here,He's waytoo smart for this shit.". But then I'd reflect on myself, and realize, me, being top in my class in high school, was stuck in the same situation. But he was the most thoughtful, kind, and caring guy in there. Which made him a powerful figure in my recovery.Talking to TJ would make me want to keep on the right path. Just so we could get out and show each other "look at how much we have accomplished, and how we bounced back from everything." His death was a horrible blow to me... Especially since we were locked in there together... Its the only environment I knew him in, and I only wish I would've spent time with him in real life, outside the walls of CARP.
Wow to describe TJ in one word is really hard for me. He was such a sweetheart, so extremely selfless & loving. Determined, hard working, & just a lover of life! I don't know how to sum that all up in one word! I think it's so great that you're doing a grief workshop. Grief is so hard to deal with... No matter how much time has passed the hurt still stays with you. I hope you are doing well!
Grayson Enos
Outgoing and Kind
I hope one of those will help was hard to choose.Bryan A. BuonpastoreOne word to describe him would be laughter .. he would always have a smile on