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Mom Missing you Terribly December 29, 2014
I just couldn't make to this page this year in time to lave you a Christams Note. I have written to you every night and placed it in your Christmas Stocking. I hope you read all my notes. Life is so hard without you being a part of it. Sometimes I can't remember the sound of your voice. Thank you for making that recordig in South Africa where you gave a verbal tour of the hut you stayed in, I will treasure it foreverer. I love you TJ Always and forever. You will live forever in my heart, no one can take that away from me.                                                                                        Your mom forever and ever.
Mom Missing you this Christmas December 20, 2014

Hello again my sweet TJ. I miss you so much especially during the Christmas Season. You loved Christmas so much and my last regret was that we were not able to spend the last Christmas you were here on earth with you. Things beyond our control dictated that for us and you.  You are always on my mind and in my heart, I Love you TJ now and always.

Love your Mom Always

Mom I miss you like Crazy October 19, 2014
Hello again my son TJ.  It is that time of the year again NOPE is having the Nation Candle Lighting for those who have died from Drug related instances. I honor you every year and this year your father says he will join me, this is a first for him. This will make my 4th year. March is coming up quickly and so is the 5th Anniversery of your leaving us, I can hardy believe it.
I can't believe that it has been 6 months since I have seen Ricky either I was supposed to spend our birthdays together but I had just had surgery so dad went without me. He also spent your birthday in Philly with Ricky and Kelsey.
I love you baby and I just can't believe you are not with us any longer. Life just seams so empty without your smile and quick witt. Loving always and in all ways TJ   
Mom Love you September 6, 2014
August 12, 2014 I filed for divorce. I am sure you know this because I know you are in Heaven. I wish some time that your father had not forced my hand with this move that could not do. I felt trapped so I did the only thing I could do. Not being able to have my mother come and stay with me was a big issue, I know how much you loved your grandma. I found a emotional school asignment that you wrote about the day grandad died and we were on vacation. We were not home and you were not able to say goodbye. I know it must have weighed on you, not being able to say good-bye. I know how close you were to your grandfather and the many hours you spent with him. Well you are with him now and I hope you will speak to God for me and ask that his will be mine. I Love you TJ and miss you so badly but then you know that. Your father and brothers miss you too. Rick still will not talk about you. I think somehow he thinks that we cared more about you then we did about him and he was badly hurt by that. He loved you you know that, he want to do all the things you did he looked up to you. In the end he was disappointed in the direction your life turned. We love you son and miss you terrible. You know how hard I fought for you. I would do anything to have changed the way things ended TJ. I Love You Always Momma 
Mom Happy 28th Birthday TJ August 6, 2014
TJ today is your 28th Birthday. I can't tell you how badly it makes me feel that you are no longer with us. I still don't want to believe the unbelievable. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagin that you would die before I did. Life is so hard every day is a challenge without you. I love you baby and I hope you can hear me when I cry out you name in the night.  Sometimes can't sleep my mind is so full of thouhts of you. You father doesn't here me cry. You are always and will always be with me you will live on in my heart as long as I live. Till I and with you once again. Love you always, Mom
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